‘I try not to be too magical.’ I said, to him. The words hanging in the air like a resonant thread for a moment, and in the weeks after those words came back to me again and again. With the question ‘What if I stop holding back on the magical and the mystical?’ What if I allow it a little closer? What if I admit it to myself and others and allow it to infuse my art and my writing.
Because you know, deep in the wilds of these isles there are places of the in between. Where the land speaks a little louder, where tree’s have portals and brooks not only twinkle in the sunlight, they sing ancient songs. These are the places where the beings the ancient ancestors of these isles knew well, can still be found, for those who are willing to step out of the over-culture and into a deeper one.
I’d always thought the Marches - the area on the border between England and Wales - was called the marches because of all the marching that went on there from soldiers in the ancient past. Its not though, its from an ancient word meaning borderland. Perhaps its not only a border between England and Wales, perhaps its a border with another realm too.
And in this place, this borderland, between England, Wales and elsewhere. Things get a little weird sometimes, a little wyrd, a little strange. And sometimes, if you catch it in just the right light you’ll see the dragons sleeping in mounds of earth we call hills, the stone watchers sit upon them, the tree folk live in the woodland, and denizens of a world thats not quite this one can sometimes be seen a wandering at twilight.
A lot of my life at the moment is on the edge of the forest, a woodland that breathes and speaks and sings with aliveness and animate beings. There are tree stumps there that are powerful wise women, stones with faces of lichen, and half glimpsed beings as tall as the trees that appear in more sharp focus when I draw them, and little beings that are both foot tall warriors and moss covered fallen branches of trees.
If you sit for long enough in that forest they might speak to you, and, from what I gather their are some that are worried about us humans, they can see that that a lot of us have lost our understanding that we are nature in nature, and that we a part of nature not apart from it.
March Marches on.
Since I wrote the above back in February faerie is becoming more and more a theme that permeates my drawing and writing. In early March I exhibited at the Froudian Faerie weekend and briefly met an art hero of mine Brian Froud. My little forest spirit Continual becoming joined the Faerie trouping and I was infused with inspiration by a combination of meeting Brian Froud and an artist I’d never heard of before called Iris Compiet who has created a beautiful book in a similar vein to Froud’s ones called “Faeries of the faultlines’. Seeing their work and talking to both of them inspired me and gave me a little hope for this journey in art, given me a little push towards the book ideas I have, and allowing my art practice to become even more of a magical playground.
March seems to have flown by as the spring energy has scooped me up and put me back into the mode of action. A major fairy project I’ll be working on for the next two years is now in development alongside this one! I’m creating a Fairy Tarot deck for US Games, Two years is a long time, but with this project alongside it, I’m now on a very tight schedule!
I’m intending to write and post my next blog towards the end of April, I have a plan for April but you never quite know what will happen next in this fairy-tale called life.
Love & Sparkles